Sorry for the mess
We are rebuilding
We are rebuilding
Want to browse an ad-free web, but still want to keep websites alive?
Your privacy is at risk, and major companies make promises that seem to address this. But do they really?
We recently launched this blog, with Bastian's WWDC Wish, and some impressive page visits. We, Wesley and I, want full transparency between you, the reader, and us, so here's a small post on some decisions from the beginning.
In this three part series we will be looking at how privacy is handled in 2019. Part one is an overview of google and facebook, and how they affect privacy.
Apple finally gives users the option of adding Apple Pay as a payment method in iTunes and the App Store.
Dark mode is coming, but what does that mean for users?
Currently HomeKit automation is totally isolated from Siri shortcuts. Hoping Apple changes this, this summer!